Baking Day!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I've been reading about baking day on everyone elses blog and decided to give it a try. With the new baby coming, I figured it would really help! Kelsey and I ended up making 2 dozen muffins, 2 batches of taco meat, 2 batches of spaghetti sauce, 2 batches of Pioneer Woman Chili, and 2 batches of beef enchiladas. We've already used some of the food, but Im hoping to have another baking day really soon!

The muffins Kelsey made. We have an awesome Starbucks muffin recipe that we use. We just freeze them in gallon ziplock bags, and take one or two out as we need them.

Spaghetti sauce with directions, can't get any easier than that!

Looking Yummy!!!

I bought 8 pounds of hamburger meat when it was on sale at Kroger!

Kelsey helping in the kitchen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your cabinets girl!! I bet your house smells AMAZING now. I'd just be sitting on your floor saying " let me try the OTHER muffins. And some of that sauce, and just A BITE of that chili". LOL