It's A Girl!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Luke and I went to the doctor yesterday to have an ultrasound and hopefully find out the sex of our baby!! The tech was having a hard time getting her to move her legs, but said she was 95% sure its a little girl!!! Im very excited!! I know that Luke wanted a little boy, but he is going to love another girl around the house! :)
I told him there is always next time!

This is a pic of the babys profile.

Look at that little foot! I can't wait to go shoe shopping!!


Kristynch10 said...

Love the pics, they turned out good. P.S.- Never promise your husband "next time" til after you've had the current one!

Queen of the Misfits said...

Love the foot pic!! too neat!

Erica said...

Congrats...I'm so happy for you!!!